“Eric’s story made me feel that it only takes one person to make a change, and for that I’m eternally grateful. I am now also aware of the suffering going on in other countries, and how to help others overcome it.”

Hamaad, Student at Abraham Moss Community School, Manchester

Hearing a genocide survivor speak is a moving and memorable experience.

The Ishami Foundation are dedicated to supporting survivors to speak in schools and at community events. By sharing personal stories of genocide, survivors help audiences understand the historical consequences of division and the need to take action to promote tolerance and understanding.

We have a network of survivor speakers across the UK.  Many are based in London and the Midlands but travel all over the country.  Here are some of the survivors who speak for us. 

“The talk given by Liliane was a powerful and moving account, and one that I will remember for many years to come. I think I speak for most in the school when I say that my knowledge of the genocide was limited, but Liliane provided us with an invaluable insight into her experiences and educated us on the true nature of the atrocity in Rwanda. Liliane had everyone's undivided attention. Liliane's talk inspired me to find out more about the genocide and I hope that people like her continue to share their stories, as this is an event that should not be overlooked, and certainly never forgotten.”

Sixth Former Student from Reading Blue Coat School.
Eric Murangwa Eugene
Naila M Kira
Antoinette Mushimiyimana
Marie-Rose Rurangirwa
Rehma Muguyeneza
Sophie Musabe Masereka
Pierre-Celestin Rusengatabaro
Alphonsine Kabagabo
Louise Ndibwirende

Mariam Tumukunde

Anaïs Mutumba

Philomene Uwamaliya

Marie-Chantal Uwamahoro

Liliane Umubyeyi